My passion for wildlife photography goes as far back as my childhood when I was completely fascinated by nature and it´s miracles. For me, wildlife photography is not only a hobby, it is a lifestyle, it´s about the protection of nature and my continuous education in this field.
For the past fifteen years, I have specialised in capturing animals in their natural habitats e.g. hummingbirds in the mountanious region of Dota in Costa Rica, gry hornbill in the Sinharaja rain forest in Sri Lanka, red colobus monkey in Jozani forest in Zanzibar and common kingfischer also known as the blue diamond in many places across Europe.
Thanks to my portfolios viewer have a glimpse into a world of colours, shapes and different species of animals that are rarely seen in our daily lives. For interests regarding further information or prospective cooperation pleae contact me on:
Many years I´ve been using equipement Nikon.
Nikon D500

Nikon Z6 II

Nikon 500mm f/5.6E PF ED VR AF-S

Nikon 105mm f/2,8 G AF-S Micro IF-ED VR

Tamron 17-35 mm Di osd f 2,8 - 4

Nikon 300 mm f/4,0 E AF-S PF ED VR